An abacus is a very important tool that helps children to improve their brain power. This tool cum toy comes along with many other benefits for the user. Birla High School Mukundapur - the best English medium school in Kolkata does encourage their students to learn abacus at school and if possible also spend time with it back home. Read the blog to know why.

Helps to build concentration
An abacus helps children to build on their concentration power. This one of the prime reasons for which the best English medium school in Kolkata does encourage their students to spend time with it.
An abacus helps children to learn simple mathematics. In the process, it also helps them to stretch the scope of their concentration power and ultimately improves this. It is seen that the children who spend time with the abacus have a better memorizing ability that ultimately helps them with their studies, especially during the examinations.
Abacus sessions boost creativity
An abacus gives the opportunity to children to showcase their creativity. When children spend time with it, they with the help of their imagination and visualization skills create different patterns with the beads. The teacher who is in charge of the abacus session makes it a point to praise and applaud the child who showcases the most creative pattern with the abacus beads.
Helps in improving accuracy and speed
During an abacus session, the teacher in charge assigns students to showcase their creativity in a given time. This tests the time management and accuracy level of the students. Even if some fail to do well in the initial rounds/sessions, with due course of time, they improve a lot with this.
Now, this helps a lot during an examination environment where the students need to put up their best performance and that too within a given time limit.
Birla High School Mukundapur is one of those schools that considers its students to be a newly born plant that needs to be watered and taken care of dedicatedly. Introducing abacus sessions is a part of its development plan for students.
You can check out their website to know more about other student development activities and sessions that the schools offer. Also, don’t forget to check out the section that talks about the school bus services offered by the school. There is more to this section than you can ever imagine.